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Educate Women and Girls to Meet SDG

Fact Sheet


How to Address the Problem?

  • Support women and girls in education (material and tutorial support)
  • Campaign on the value of educating women and girls
  • Facilitate safe school environment (support school clubs to fight VAWGs, expand the access to separate latrines for girls and boys, expand training on the human rights of women and girls, engage male students in the fight against VAWG, link schools with legal aid and psychosocial services)
  • Conduct community dialogue to realize the redistribution of UCW among family members
  • Implement programs that reduces the burden of UCW on women (ease access to potable water, supply alternative energy sources to rural households)

Educating women has direct contribution to meeting SDGs 
indicators. In Ethiopia, there are promising improvements in 
educating women and girls. The percentage of girls and women 
with no education decreased from 77% in 2000 to 43% in 2019.