Due to the economic and social effects of COVID 19 in the country, most
schools were closed, different institutions stopped giving services, and social
movement was restricted. ActionAid Ethiopia with
ጾታዊ ጥቃትን ለማስቆም የቆረጡ ሴቶች
ኮቪድ-19 ወረርሽኝ በሀገራችን ባስከተለዉ ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ተፅዕኖ ምክንያት
ትምህርት ቤቶች የተዘጉበት፣ የተለያዩ ተቋማት አገልግሎት መስጠት ያቆሙበት እና
ማህበራዊ እንቅስቃሴ የተቋረጡበት ጊዜ ነበር፡፡ አክሽን ኤይድ ኢትዩጵያ የሴቶችን ጥቃት
ለመከላከል ለተመረጡ 10 ልጃገረድ ሴቶች እድሜያቸዉ ከ15 ዓመት
Special Bulletin of ActionAid Ethiopia's Climate justice Campaign Launch
Various evidence indicates that banks and financial institutions are providing significant funding to businesses that exacerbate climate change and harm our planet. We are deeply concerned about this
Human Cost of Food Crisis
While global prices, as measured by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Food Price Index, have dropped by 11.7% since February 2022,3 ActionAid’s new research finds that prices in local
The climate has a cash flow problem.
Far more of the world’s money is flowing to the causes of the climate crisis than to the solutions. As the climate crisis escalates, fossil fuels and industrial
ActionAid Ethiopia’s Protection Programming
ActionAid’s protection programming works mainly on general protection and on protection mainstreaming, particularly
on Gender-Based Violence. It follows women-led and community-based protection
Why is Climate Justice ActionAid’s Policy Agenda?
Climate Change is a “ broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by burning fossil fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. Climate change threatens and exposes people to
Combating Exploitation, Child Labor, Abuse, and Human Trafficking (ECLAHT) - CMS Project
well as the right of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration; and that respects the physical and mental integrity of the worker in Despite the pledge made by the Ethiopian
Promo Materials on AAE's Works
These publications give highlight on what ActionAid Ethiopia is doing in each respective thematic area.
ActionAid Ethiopia Annual Report 2022
ActionAid Ethiopia (AAE) is a Gender Justice, Good Governance and Poverty Eradication organization. In Ethiopia, ActionAid works to challenge various forms of power and build capacities to create