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Transforming Traditional Justice to Promoting Equality and Protection of VAWGs

The CEDAW’s Committee, in its concluding observation (CEDAW/C/ETH/CO/6-7), has
underlined the importance of implementing a strategy that robustly challenge the root causes
that perpetuate


Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Revitalizing Actions Against

Despite legal, institutional and programmatic measures, violence against women
and girls continues to affect women and girls. It continues to violate their human
rights and shatter their future to


Women and Technologies

Why Women in Technology?
Ensuring gender equality in technology and innovation is beyond
respecting and fulfilling the human rights of men and women. It
assures the initiation of diversified


Gender Neutral Laws & Schemes may be Discriminatory against Women and Girls

Laws and programs may have detrimental effects on women and girls when they appear
gender-neutral. Gender based discrimination have two ways to happen; it happens either
when laws or policies or


Women’s Right to Equality and Non-discrimination (Economic and Social Opportunities)

Women’s unequal participation education and other productive economic spheres is a violation of their human rights and a contributor to delaying development and sustaining poverty. Women


AAE Celebrates IWD 2023 with different Activities

ActionAid Ethiopia (AAE) Semen Bench LRP participated in 2023 IWD events and celebrations from kebele/school/ level up to regional levels. The organization's achievements in empowering women and girls

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Educate Women and Girls to Meet SDG

Educating women has direct contribution to meeting SDGs
indicators. In Ethiopia, there are promising improvements in
educating women and girls. The percentage of girls and women
with no education

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Accelerate Actions on Women's Resilience

In Ethiopia, unlike the experience in the past, the risk of experiencing disasters including but not limited to flood, drought and human epidemics are
increasing in frequency, scale, and intensity

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Expand Women's Access to Finance

As is the case in other economic opportunities, there is gender disparity
in accessing finance. In Ethiopia, although access to finance in general
is perceived to be the main business environment


Accelerate Actions to Fight Violence against Women and Girls - Fact Sheet

Women and girls continue to experience violence in all the
corners of their life (at home, community and offices).
23% of women age 15-49, have experienced physical
violence and 10% have experienced